Case Studies

Nonprofit and mission-driven businesses see real results when they identify their audience and a strategy to share their story.

Association case study

“The suggestions StoryStruck offered based on the research they conducted gave us a lot of things we could implement immediately and also see immediate results from."

— Iowa Association of Business and Industry Marketing and Communications Director Kelsey Smith

Professional services case study

“If we were going to spend our marketing money correctly and get what we wanted out of it, we had to make sure the messaging was correct and in the format that our target audience wanted to receive it.”

— MF&H Insurance Agency Sales Director Logan Galloway

Professional services case study

“I really do believe in the power of story. I wanted to understand the struggles of our target audience and how we can assist them in that. It really resonates and helps bring clarity and succinctness to our messaging.”

— Triangle Financial Services President and Financial Advisor Kendra Erkamaa

Manufacturing case study

“Conducting customer interviews is not something we would have done on our own, we wouldn’t have asked the right questions.

“That research helped us come up with a plan for what each customer segment was looking for in order to get their business, whether a distributor or end-user. That was the greatest benefit.” 

— Portolite Pitching Mound Owner Chad Hoppe

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Discover how customer segmentation can grow your business by making your marketing and sales initiatives focused and targeted to your best customers.